1. Introduction and Scope: SIHA Health and Wellness Private Limited safeguards the privacy and security of your health information, as required by Pakistani laws. We use and disclose your information to provide services, manage operations, meet legal obligations, and as per your consent. In compliance with the law, we may share your information with third parties.
  2. Data Collection and Purpose: We are a Business to Business (B2B) Service provider and our App is used by businesses which are our clients. We signed agreement with our corporate clients and they directly enter the data of their registered employees to make them avail our healthcare services. No random request for registration can be processed or accepted on our application.
  3. User Consent and Revocation: Our application is not for normal consumers, it is a Business to Business (B2B) App and our registered corporate clients (the businesses) use it for their HR management and for their registered full time employees and we take a written approval on the agreement and the details are entered by our users directly with full consent. We do not collect personal data directly from the end user.
  4. Third-Party Data Sharing and Compliance: We disclose that the third-party services used by our website and apps, such as google analytics, and Microsoft Power BI and we are not using any advertising services, and confirm that these third parties provide the same level of data protection as our company. This ensures compliance with Apple’s and Google’s privacy standards​​.
  5. Legal Compliance: Our privacy policy is compliant with laws and regulations applicable to our user base, such as GDPR, CCPA, and others. This section should detail users’ rights under these laws, including the right to access, correct, and delete their data​​.
  6. Data Security Measures: Since our business model is Business to Business (B2B), hence all the data is provided and recorded by directly by our clients and we just regulate their transactions which are fully protected with full of consent by the user of our application, so this protects personal data from unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, and destruction.
  7. Children’s Privacy: If our apps or website are not accessible by children, therefore, we are liable to follow any section addressing compliance with children’s online privacy laws, such as COPPA in the United States.
  8. International Data Transfers: We do not operate internationally, and we do not handle cross-border data transfers.
  9. Changes to the Privacy Policy: If there is any in change in policy due to law or diversification or change in business model, we will notify users of any changes to the privacy policy, whether through the website, app updates, or via email.
  10. User Privacy Management on Apps: We are a Business to Business (B2B) Service provider and our App is used by businesses which are our clients and all the data and information are entered directly by our client after signing legal agreement with us and we do not entertain or register any random user or visitor to our app, therefore, user privacy management is followed as the terms agreed with our clients.
  11. Accessibility and Clarity: The policy is easily accessible on our website and through our apps. It is written in clear, plain language, comprehensively and highlights the key points​​.
  12. Contact Information: info@siha.pk for privacy-related inquiries and requests.

This comprehensive approach ensures that our privacy policy is legally compliant, respects user privacy, and meets the specific requirements of different platforms and jurisdictions.